Prof. Jeremie ZOUEU Jeremie, the AFSIN coordinator, brought AFSIN activities and program to the attention of the Fogarty Center and the NIH director on May 29th. During this visit he gave two presentation and weave together some of the science and problems AFSIN is working on with issues of cultural and regional challenges. Some collaboration and support opportunist were discussed with both NIBIB and Fogarty. The emphasize was how to improve health and prevent disease in Africa, investing in training and growing the Engineering and Physical science community essentially. Some ideas were discussed on how to grow this community and develop home-grown technology capabilities. The audience introduced some possible technologies and knowledge which can facilitate partnerships with African physicians, biologists, and innovators/entrepreneurs to help grow an enterprise that impacts both human and economic health. This type of infrastructure/capacity building that emphasizes a community (engineering/physical science) that will then contribute to building solutions that are optimized for problems in the region.