AFSIN International Workshop on on optical system design, electronics and computerized acquisition – Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire also known as AFSIN 2013 – Yamoussoukro was held from the 04th to the 14th of November, 2013
Inauguration ceremony
A grand inauguration ceremony have been organized by the host Laboratoired’Electronique et d’ElectricitéAppliquées of The director general of Institut National Polytechnique, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. The participants were welcome by the school music band La fanfare de la Maire and then the organizers Professor Jeremie and colleagues.
Arrival of distinguished guest of the institute was the next event and the director general Koffi Nguessan was welcomed by the Professor Zoueu Jeremie, Senior members of the host institute and the senior AFSIN members.
Welcome speech was delivered by Professor Zoueu Jeremie followed by the director general’s talk. A guided tour has been arranged to visit different places of the Institute and the ceremony was concluded with a cocktail party.
52 students and scientists from Kenya(4), Mali(4), Bukina Faso(2), Sri Lanka(1), Ghana(4), Senegal(4), Togo(1), Sweden(3), USA (2), South Africa (1), Côte d’Ivoire (14) were participated in the workshop. The list of participants are listed as follows.
No |
Name |
Country |
1 |
Mr. Alem Gebru |
South Africa |
2 |
Dr. SOUGOTI Moussa |
3 |
Mr. GOUEM Boukaré | |
4 |
Dr. EGHAN Jojo Moses |
GHANA (4) |
5 |
Dr. Anderson Benjamin | |
6 |
Mr. Opoku-Ansah Jerry | |
7 |
Mr. Paul Buah Bassuah | |
8 |
Dr. Alix Dehayem-Massop |
KENYA (4) |
9 |
Dr. Kenneth Kaduki | |
10 |
Mr. Dickson Linani Omucheni | |
11 |
Mr. Daniel Maitethia Memeu | |
12 |
Mrs. Mama Sangaré |
MALI (4) |
13 |
Mr. Moussa Diawara | |
14 |
Mr. Souleymane Sanogo | |
15 |
Prof. Abdramane BA | |
16 |
Prof. Ahmadou WAGUE |
17 |
Mr. Modou M’BAYE | |
18 |
Mr. Alassane Traoré | |
19 |
Mr. Mbaye Diouf | |
20 |
Mr. Hiran H. E. Jayaweera |
Sri Lanka |
21 |
Prof. Bruce J. Tromberg |
USA(2) |
22 |
Dr. Tom O’Sullivan | |
23 |
Dr. Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI |
Togo |
24 |
Dr. Edouard Berrocal |
Sweden (2) |
25 |
Mr. Aboma Merdasa | |
26 |
Prof. ZOUEU Jérémie |
Cotede’Ivory (26)
27 |
Prof. LOUM Georges | |
28 |
Prof. KONAN Kouakou | |
29 |
Prof. KOUAKOU Abaka | |
30 |
Prof. BOSSON Jocelyne | |
31 |
Prof. KACOU-YAO Rita | |
32 |
Mr. WOGNIN Essé | |
33 |
Dr. Abou AKOUN | |
34 |
Dr. SORO Adama | |
35 |
Prof. DIBY Kadjo Ambroise | |
36 |
Mr. AGNERO Akpa Marcel | |
37 |
Mr. DIBI W Gautier ilfried | |
38 |
Mr. BAGUI Kossan Olivier | |
39 |
Dr. TOKOU Zan Stephane | |
40 |
Mr. AKA Manouan Ghyslain | |
41 |
Mr. YAPO Maxime | |
42 |
Mr. KONIN Edoukoua Jean Michel | |
44 |
Mr. LOUGA Gnahoua Rodrigue | |
45 |
Mrs. N’TOH Lath Suzanne | |
46 |
Mr. MEGNASSAN Eugène | |
47 |
Mr. ANOH Nogbou Georges | |
48 |
Dr. MENSAH Edoé | |
49 |
Prof. HABA Cissé Théodore | |
50 |
Mrs. KEITA Mélalie | |
51 |
Dr. ASSEU Olivier | |
52 |
Mr. MONSAN Vincent |
Lectures and presentations
The workshop was enriched with presentations conducted by different scientists and students during the first week of the worksho. The main lectures on bio-photonics and structural illumination was conducted by Professor Bruce J. Tromberg, Dr. Tom O’Sullivan and Dr. EdouardBerrocal.
Each country reported their progress made during last four years period.
1 | Country | Presented by |
2 | Kenya | Mr. Dickson LinaniOmucheni and Mr. DANIEL MAITETHIA MEMEU |
3 | Ghana | Mr. Opoku-Ansah Jerry |
4 | Mali | Mr. SouleymaneSanogo and Mrs. Mama Sangaré |
5 | Bukina Faso | Mr. GOUEM Boukaré |
6 | Ivory Coast | Mr. Dibi and Stephan |
Laboratory sessions
The first laboratory demonstration was conducted by Professor Bruce J. Tromberg, Dr. Tom O’Sullivan on the frequency modulated multiple scattering corrected absorption measurement instrument the developed. Then for parallel sessions were conducted on Structural laser illumination on scattering media (by Dr. EdouardBerrocal), Horizontal optical design of laser based microscopic system (AbomaMerdasa), active and passive remote sensing of insects (Mr. AlemGebru) and optical instrument development with Arduino (Hiran H E Jayaweera).
Poster and oral presentation competition
Posters were presented including the ongoing research work of the partner laboratories and “Development of a linear CCD based optical spectrometer” by Udara S Muthugala and Hiran H E Jayaweera was selected as the best poster for 2013.
Oral presentations were developed based on the measurements made by using the experience gain through the laboratory sessions.
- Group 1 – Development of a white light source for measuring diffused reflectance
- Group 2 – Fluoresnce imaging of leaves
- Group 3 – active and passive remote sensing of insects
- Group 4 – light sheet based structural illumination for detection of blood cells
The presentation by Group 2 Jerry, Mama, Tokou, Aboma titled Fluoresnce imaging of leaves were selected as the best oral presentation for the year of 2013. Congratulation !!!
Saturday, an excursion was arranged to visit a village where weave cloths using traditional techniques. The villagers welcome the participants by serving palm wine. Professor Zoueu Jeremie mentioned that it is a ceremonial event for those people.
After lunch, participant visited to the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro, the world’s largest basilica.
Closing ceremony
Closing ceremony was also organized as the opening ceremony. Apart from the thanking all the parties, prizes for the poster and oral presentation winners, tokens of appreciation for the laboratory session leaders and certificates were awarded to all the participants.
At last but not least we must acknowledge the sponsors. International Science Program (ISP) was the principle sponsors for the workshop. The host Institut National Polytechnique, Félix Houphouët-Boigny took care of the organizing workshop, accommodation and transportation. SPIE student chapter of African Spectral Imaging Network Chapter sponsored for Prof. Tromberg Bruce.
All our sponsors are greatly acknowledged by the AFSIN network.